Saturday 13 July 2013

Bugwatch – don’t look if you fear!

For those who mocked me for bringing my spider catchers...check out their multipurpose usage below...

Below is a typical aftermath following an attack of flying ants – they seem to come out to play when it is about to rain at night. They come on mass, fly around for a few hours, then seem to loose their wings, fall to the ground and leave a scene of devastation behind (see below). Photo’s show the morning after, but you will note, not so many bodies in the picture – this is because locals love to eat the flying ants...I tend to stay in doors, lights off (they like light) seeking refuge under the safety of my mosquito net on nights like this – but occasionally one sneaks into the apartment...easily solved by a quick catch in the spider catcher!

I have no idea what the bugs are in the picture below - but I know I'm not too fond of them. Fortunately, (touch wood), I haven’t seen too many of these in Lira, they tend to hang out in Gulu - as you can see from the picture, they also seem to be shortlived...
Again, not sure what this is but it took residence outside my hotel room for a few days...
The delightful moth below, luckily wasn’t in my room as it was far too big for the spider catcher (the size of a hand I would say). One or two of his smaller friends have successfully been caught in the spider catcher though.
So, still not very good friends with all of the above, but I am coping - the smaller the better as far as bugs are concerned. I even happily fish them out of my drinks from time to time now.


  1. Reckon next time you should photograph them on your hand so we can get a sense of scale!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Flying ants in uk creep me out big time but those ones are bigger, gross! Sanctuary under a mosi net sounds a good plan.
