Sunday 7 April 2013

Life in Lira

I have been settling into Lira nicely and most of the initial fear of walking around town dodging the motorbikes, bicycles and cars because there are no pavements has gone.

Typical street scenes in Lira town above


It still amazes me to see what people can transport by bicycle or motorbike and what they can carry on their heads. It seems quite common to transport a whole bed for example by bicycle!

We are still exploring the town but have found a couple of good restaurants/cafes where you can buy African, Chinese, Indian, Italian & American food – you can eat out quite cheaply. We have also had a couple of fun evenings at the Lira Hotel which can draw a big crowd on its outside dancefloor.
My birthday, Lira hotel, with Carly (volunteer from Holland)

and with Kul (volunteer from India)
I am getting used to being called a Mzungu (meaning foreigner but not in a negative way), there are not many in Lira and at times this seems to be a great source of amusement, particularly to children who I have seen in fits of laughter as I walk past and they shout out Mzungu (unless it is just me?!).  
Not sure that I will ever get used to all the bugs here – it seems to be bug central in Lira – I have never seen so many bugs, flies, lizards and bats -  so far I am coping though! The hotel where we are staying is very nice, we have electricity most of the time and water most of the time (although usually cold) as well as wireless internet – not always so reliable. Weather is mostly hot hot hot with some rain.

Gracious Palace Hotel - home for now!

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